94 Days of Summer
Posted by Brenna Malmberg
Celebrate summer 2014 with me. I miss it already.
It might be the first day of fall, but that's doesn't mean I have to welcome it or want it to be here. Fall means winter is coming. That means it's cold. And on top of that, the first day of fall means we are the longest we could possibly be away from summer. For the warm-weather girl, this might as well mean it's time to hibernate.
So to reminisce on the 94 glorious days we had of summer, I complied a "94 Days of Summer" album on brennamedia's Facebook page.
We took advantage of almost every one of the 94 days, from coastal hikes to cable cars and everything Bay Area in between. Check out the 94-image album to see the summer highlights and join me in wishing it was summer again.
nice summer glad we were a part of it