October 20, 2013

Celtic Festival Sights and Sounds

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Highland Games Sheaf Toss

A Highland Games competitor prepares to toss the 16.5-pound shift.

Highland Games Sheaf Toss

This pitchfork toss looked challenging.

Just down the road in Richmond, Cole and I attended the Central Virginia Celtic Festival and Highland Games. Thanks to a radio ad while traveling during fall break, we heard about this interesting event, looked it up and decided to go. We weren't disappointed. The all-day festival featured all things Celtic. This includes sheep dog herding, Highland Games, axes, swords, dancing, harps, clans, cars and, of course, bagpipes. We hit up all the attractions.

Honestly, I will just let the pictures and videos tell the story. I have tons, so we will go with that. If looking for more, check out my 2013 Central Virginia Celtic Festival and Highland Games album.

Highland Games Caber Toss

Competitors carefully pick up poles for the caber toss.

Highland Games Caber Toss

Once held, they toss the pole, trying to flip it end over end.

Watch the event in action.

Highland Games Hammer Toss

Around and around the 22-pound weigh goes. Then whoosh.

You can also watch this event — listen for the intense grunt.

Highland Games

Sports come with pain. This poor guy pulled out of the competition because of a shoulder injury during the sheaf toss.

Sheep dog herding

The sheep dog patiently waits and watches the sheep.

Sword fighting

The king fights in the sword performance.


Ouch! We were impressed by the variety of ages out wrestling on the rugby field.

Celtic harps

Harps players strum a Celtic tune.

Listen to a short, Celtic tune.

Celtic Festival

Clans march the field, displaying their names and colors.

Celtic Festival

A little boy decked in Celtic ware.

Celtic Festival

A dog and his owner — two of a kind.

Celtic Festival

I know, more dogs. There were just so many and so cute.

Celtic Festival

Shiny, old Jaguar.

Celtic Festival

Antique car flashes a smile.

October 21, 2013


love those jags, what a nice smile!

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