August 31, 2012

Photo Friday: Nearby History

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

When you visit, a Revolutionary War historical marker greets you.

Inside our apartment grounds, we have a cemetery dating back to the Revolutionary War. So, by moving to Virginia, we not only settled in the middle of history, we live with history in our backyard.

The plot houses the Lewis family, and specifically Jesse Pitman Lewis (March 8, 1849) and his brother Taliaferro (July 12, 1810). Jesse fought as part of the Virginia Milita and Taliaferro in the Continental Line. . . .

August 30, 2012

Overblessified Thursday: A Part of Something Bigger

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

For the last few years, I have opened up August newsletters and read all about TFC Camp. This great place that invited me into fun, knowledge and worship every summer for as long as I remember. Just the last few years, I couldn't accept the invitation because I grew up and God placed me on paths that took me away from camp, such as Navigators mission trips or internships. . . .

August 29, 2012

Worldly Wednesday: Locust Farm

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

If you watched the video, you probably went, "Why would I want a locust farm?" Well, it's not for you. It's for the people that are starving over on the Horn of Africa. In the refugee camp of Dadaab in Kenya, 1,300 people are arriving daily seeking hope. Food is a source of hope, but severe drought, worse than crispy corn in Nebraska drought. Why worse? Because that is the only livelihood they have. . . .

August 29, 2012

Trivia Tuesday: The 10 University Mascot Challenge Answered

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Not a lot of takers on guessing. But thanks to those few interested Ellsworth amigos who took a second to look and do some guessing. If you didn't look at the original trivia. STOP NOW and click here.

But, before you see the answers, one more quick look at the ever-so-cute Baby Jay.

1. Western Kentucky University, Big Red: He is suppose to look like a hill. I suppose he is an odd, cute hill of sorts. . . .

August 28, 2012

Trivia Tuesday: The 10 University Mascot Challenge

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Football season roars in just as school starts. Yay. (That is my best attempt at being excited about the sport.) But, I do like mascots. :)

So today, I bring you Tuesday Trivia - Mascot Edition. To test your knowledge, just glance at the photos and put the name of the university the mascot represents, and bonus points if you know the mascots name.

For example:

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