September 15, 2011

My Locks of Love

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


It's a question I always got.

"Have you ever donated your hair to Locks of Love?"

Now, instead of saying no, I can say yes. On August 8, I walked out of the mall in Hays with 12 inches of my hair in a bag, instead trailing out of my ponytail. (Yeah, it took me a while to post this. Not too many people have even seen the new, short look.)

Now my hair is down in Florida at the Locks of Love organization being made into a wig for some little child who suffers from medical hair loss. We usually just think cancer, but that isn’t true. Alopecia, an auto-immune disorder that causes hair to stop growing, is actually the greatest evil, affecting more than 4.7 million children. Cancer, as you probably thought, is the second largest cause of hair loss. Beyond those two, Ectodermal Dysplasia, Loose Anagen Syndrome, Trichotillomania, Telogen Effluvium and trauma, such as burns or accidents, account for other reasons children seek a wig.

Locks of Love makes sure each wig is a perfect fit for just that child. That is why the whole process, from start to finish, four to six months. The hairpieces the children will wear form a vacuum seal to their head. Allowing them to participate in activities such as sports without worrying that it may come off.

So while it was a hard thing for me to do, to chop it all off, I decided it was time. Can’t say I wasn’t nervous. Can’t say I don’t miss it. But I am glad I did it.

Now some little child, out there somewhere, will be able to have hair to brush and to braid. They can call it their own. I know I would want that if I couldn’t grow hair myself. Besides, it’s not about me, and it’s not my hair in the first place. God blessed me with it, and I am just passing it on.



Thanks, Cole, for taking these pictures!

September 15, 2011

Kady Malmberg

You look sooo cute! Some little girl will be very lucky to get your hair :)

September 15, 2011


This is incredible Brenna! You look so much different, but for such great reasons!

September 15, 2011


OMG, BRENNA!! :) I love it!

September 16, 2011

Your Mom

It does look cute! May some little child be as cute as you and be blessed as well.

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