March 25, 2014

Trivia Tuesday: Calligraphy

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Calligraphy practice

Just practicing with my pen set.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I am dabbling in calligraphy. I asked for a set for Christmas and have invested my evenings in it the past few weeks. I'll start posting my work on my blog to document this learning process. The more I dive into the art, the more I realize there is to learn. So many different pens and styles and, whoa, the list goes on and on. I look forward to getting better.

And just so we all know more about calligraphy, I have some trivia for you this week.

Not to make my last trivia irrelevant, but it was forever ago. Cole and Max tied for gold during the winter Olympics.

1. What does the word calligraphy mean?
2. What are the metal tips on the end of a calligraphy pen are called?
3. Even after the moveable-type printing press was invented in 1450, calligraphy was still used. Who in Europe invented this machine that printed, such as the bible?
4. The Japanese started using calligraphy in what century?
5. In European calligraphy, back in the day, it had two classicications for its lettering styles. Uncial and what?
6. In Chinese calligraphy, there are seven standard strokes. What do they call them?
7. What do you call pens that you use with an ink bottle?
8. Today there are three types of calligraphy. Western, Oriental and what third one?
9. I'd really like to take a calligraphy class, but I am not sure I want to be a part of the largest. How many people were a part of the Guinness World Records' largest calligraphy class?
10. What letter am I terrible at? It's depressing because it starts my name.

How did you do? Golden? Comment below on how you did! Thanks.

March 25, 2014

Hannah Nykamp

I got 6. ...not sure if that's golden. :) I'll be curious to see your work - I got a calligraphy set sometime in junior high and can't say I ever got very good.. but it still looked pretty!

March 25, 2014


Yikes, 4/10. I think Hannah's score should get an asterisk. Totally not fair to have previous calligraphy experience.

March 28, 2014

Brenna's Mom

4/10 well it was interesting and perhaps learned something....keep going, anxious to see the work.

April 2, 2014


6 of 10 keep up the good work it is so neat

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