April 14, 2013

Cherry Blossom Festival Adventures

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Brenna and Cole by Jefferson Memorial

During the National Cherry Blossom Festival, Cole and I paddled near the Jefferson Memorial.

Last Sunday, Cole and I traveled into Washington D.C. to experience the National Cherry Blossom Festival. We definitely were not the only ones who had this great idea. The city was buzzing and the metro was packed. Once we finally made it to the blossoms, we ran straight to the Tidal Basin Paddle Boats. Luckily I had scheduled a boat for noon, so we didn't have to wait in a long line. We walked right up to the front and hopped in a boat.

Once we were on the paddle boat, we had some work ahead of us. Cole did most of the paddling to be honest, but I tried. After an hour of boating around the basin to see the Jefferson Memorial, cherry blossoms, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington Memorial and lots of water, we headed back to land.

Next we got a closer look at the blossoms by walking all the way around the basin. Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. (Even if it wasn't quite the peak season yet.) If you can ever make it to DC during the cherry blossom festival, I think it is worth it. You can look at our photos and judge for yourself.

Cole by Jefferson Memorial

Cole takes a paddle break to pose with the Jefferson Memorial.

Brenna paddles by the Jefferson Memorial

I tried my hardest to paddle across the Tidal Basin.

Brenna and Cole in life jackets

So, my life jacket didn't fit quite as well.

Cole's wood chunk

On our adventure, Cole thought we needed to pick up this piece of wood.

Cole and his wood

Before we went back to dock, I made Cole throw it back.

Cherry blossoms

Cole examines some cherry blossoms.

Jefferson Memorial cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms all start to open near the Jefferson Memorial.

Crowd cherry blossoms

Crowds gather to see the cherry blossoms.

Cole and Brenna at Jefferson Memorial

A nice man took our photo by the Jefferson Memorial. When someone else holds the camera, you get more than just our heads. Thanks, sir, whoever you are.

Cole in blossoms

Cole encompassed by blossoms.

Cherry blossoms

There were just so many.

Brenna blossoms

Oh, hi.

After all the blossoms, we stopped at the National Academy of Science to see the Albert Einstein Memorial and went inside the National Museum of American History.

Cole and Einstein

Cole sits on Albert Einstein's lap.

Gabrielle Douglas in History Museum

We walked around the corner and happened to see this piece on Gabrielle Douglas. It has an old leotard of hers, some Olympic passes and her grips from the Olympics.

Gabrielle Douglas Note in History Museum

She even left a little note.

See more photos from our adventures in my Cherry Blossom Festival 2013 album.

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