December 27, 2011

Green Speak Monday: Tree Recycling

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

For all of you out there with a real tree, not a red spruce that glimmers with glued-in lights, don't throw your tree in the trash. Your Christmas tree can have a different life instead of rotting away with holiday leftovers and plastic packaging.

Your tree is just one of the 33 million sold this season that can have another purpose once all of the shiny red bulbs and tinsel are removed.

Many cities offer ways to recycle. Here in Lincoln, they were just talking about a free recycling program that has repurposed more than 200,000 trees in 25 years. I was even impressed that Lincoln was the first town in Nebraska to offer such as program. Now the city offers seven recycling locations, including a local recycling company that mulches them for free as a way to give back to the community. Go Lincoln. You're still not Lawrence, but I like that you are trying.

Because I don't know every drop-off location in the country, I'll guide you to site that can help you locate recycling options.

Most times, the trees end up as mulch to bring life to other plants, but some places across the country have put their trees toward more specific causes.

I hope you are able to find a good, earth-friendly home for your tree after the holidays. Ours will go back in it's box until next season. The whole real versus artificial isn't quite as clear as recycling a real tree. Maybe that's another blog for another holiday.

Merry Christmas, and happy recycling. Oh, and I hope you aren't sweeping up needles and glass because of a cat, even if he is cute.

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