February 29, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

A day started across the world, initiated by a Roman and celebrated with cookies from Subway, started and ended like any other day in the Malmberg apartment. My alarm wailed. I hit snooze — multiple times. I drug myself out of bed, went to work, ate pizza, came home, went to Bible study and will drift off to sleep soon.
So what is the point of an extra day? I think a day just for leaping around would be fun, but it turns out that wasn't the reason, even though dancers and gymnasts around the world would give the holiday a nod. . . .
February 28, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Since my move to Lincoln nine months ago, the switch from celebrating Earth Day every day to searching for a recycling bin reminds me I am not in Kansas anymore — more specifically Lawrence.
I have done some digging online to unearth a few eco-friendly programs happening here in the husker state. A community garden feeds residents with fresh produce, the energy company boasts about ways to save and the government funded a project to create energy-saving homes. . . .
February 28, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Once every four years, we get to celebrate leap year! Because the Earth takes 365.25 days to travel around the sun, we have to add in that extra day somewhere. So enjoy the extra day of 2012 with trivia. Good luck!
1. What's the name of the society for leap year babies?
2. What rapper was born on Leap Day?
3. What theme park is celebrating Leap Day this year by opening its gates for 24, magical hours? . . .
February 26, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Every once and a while, the creative juices strain out faster than inspiration pours in my brain. In my experience, this happens with creative types. Thankfully, the Internet is packed with examples and images to feast my eyes on daily if I need a spark.
Recently, I found Dribble. The page of three squares streams down the page, one scroll at a time. Most of the work makes me jealous. I yearn to craft realistic graphic on my screen, but I just have to keep working at it. . . .
February 25, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

What an afternoon. What an afternoon for the fans in Allen Fieldhouse had.
If you don't know what I am talking about, or just want to watch Kansas beat Missouri in the last match up better the two teams, check out the highlights. The border war ends, and on a great note for KU.
Pretty satisfying to win this one and clinch the eighth consecutive Big 12 title. Last year at this time I was right in front witnessing the action because I luckily pulled No. 2 for our group during lottery. . . .