May 16, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

For the whole day, I smelled like pancakes. I stood right next to the griddle as the batter bubbled and formed into round, delicious circles. Those pancakes went to raise money for the Cornhusker Kiwanis Club and its causes, such as Reading is Fundamental and the Food Bank of Lincoln's Backpack Program.
More than 1,000 people attended Pancakes in the Park, breaking record attendance. By the time I left at 10:30 a.m., 600 of those people had already filed through the line. . . .
May 14, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg
On Friday night, I get to watch my brother, Skye, graduate and venture into the world of wind energy. Across the county the wind energy industry has exploded, posting the busiest first quarter ever according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). This increase brings the U.S. wind capacity to 48,611 MW.
One slight problem is the Production Tax Credit (PTC) hanging in the balance. With it, the growth will continue. Without the tax credit, the wind energy will struggle to grow, dropping off in jobs and watts generated. Good new for Skye is that in that booming first quarter, 1,340 MW were under contraction in Kansas, ranking it the highest state in the U.S. Texas, Oklahoma, California and Illinois finished out the top five. . . .
May 8, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Do you know the month of May? Find out!
1. What was May named after?
2. What mode of transportation is celebrated and honored in May?
3. What is May's birthstone?
4. What year was Mother's Day first celebrated in the U.S.?
5. Who sings Call Me Maybe, a song that has more than 52 million views on YouTube?
May the trivia forces be with you.