November 24, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg
November 19, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

DeAndre Jordan looks like a puppy as he goes to score. Great fit for my team.
Week 3 tested my wounded team. Chalmers had to lead us as point guard because Steve Nash is still out with injuries. Regardless of our non-intimidating players, the Nash Potatoes beat Chris' STRO LOKO.
This week, I have three new players on the court. I needed higher scorers who played more than two games, so I picked up Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, DeAndre Jordan and Ramon Sessions. . . .
November 16, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Cole checks out the Stonewall Jackson statue commemorating the place of his fatal wound.
Cold has started to settle in around Virginia. The temperature only reaches into the 50s, so we decided to get out and explore a battlefield before the cold kept us away until spring.
We really need to work on visiting all 10 National Geographic claims as the best Civil War fields, but we visited Chancellorsville last weekend instead. While the South won this one, they had a fatal problem, Stonewall Jackson was shot by his own side and died days later as a result. Cole can tell you more about all that history if you are interested. Here is a National Parks Service explanation if you can't find him. I am not a good source on anything war, so I am just going to leave that to the experts today. . . .
November 12, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Week 2 faired better for the Bikini Bottom Nash Potatoes. We pulled out a win in the East Conference, taking down Matt. A win by lots of points boosted team moral, and we started out Week 3 with a big opening night with more than 200 points. Go team! Bad news though, Steve Nash hasn't recovered, which leads to pulling up members from the bench. So far, they have played and scored decent. I have an open hole on my team to fill, but I am still in the recruiting stages as far as that role goes. We don't just let anyone play on the Nash Potatoes. . . .
November 9, 2012
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Happy Thanksgiving from the Malmberg apartment.
Our apartment needed a little thankful spirit, so I searched for ideas on Pintrest. It had to be easy, involving zero sewing abilities. I found a yarn wreath and ran with it.

The supplies for the wreath are available at any craft store. . . .