August 21, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Anyone remember Flat Stanley? You know, the little flat person who flies through the mail and reports back adventures.

Flat Stanley is ready for adventures!
You might have done it in elementary school; I know I did! I packaged up my Flat Brenna and sent it to my Grammie in North Platte, Neb. I honestly don't know what she even sent me back, I just fondly remember sending and receiving the adventurous little Brenna mail. . . .
August 16, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Lately I have got my fill of suits and ties, one of which included a Suit & Tie performance by Justin Timberlake and Jay Z in Baltimore. Yes, really.

Justin Timberlake performs in Baltimore Aug. 8, 2013. . . .
August 12, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Internship done. Well, done besides a few follow-up surveys and such, but as far as the real work goes — done. The last segment involved making shareables. Like the infographics and funny memes sprinkled on Facebook, Twitter and the like. Well, I am not funny. Not even a little. So, I strayed away from comedy and just stuck with green and simple. . . .
August 1, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Back in Nebraska at TFC Camp, campers are enjoying their last full day of camp. Years ago, I was one of those campers. I canoed down the river, splashed in the lake and dove off the diving board in Orleans. (Way to go staff for coming up with other, non-water activities since that resource has dwindled in recent years.) This last day brings so much joy to everyone. You have made some great camp friends and don't want the fun to end, but sadly, they soon will. . . .