October 21, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Lemon mint Method soap keeps our hands dirt free in the bathroom.
Wandering the mind-numbing aisles of Bed Bath & Beyond, I browsed the hand soap shelves. We had just moved into our Cville apartment, and we needed soap. Soap to sit on the bathroom counter, and for us super grown up adults, it must include a foaming pump. I branch away from the usual Dial and sniffed a few delightful options made by Method. I had heard of the company, from eco-friendly advertisements, but I had failed to see it in any store. I broke from my usual, same ol' same purchases and picked a fresh lemon mint. . . .
October 20, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

A Highland Games competitor prepares to toss the 16.5-pound shift.

This pitchfork toss looked challenging.
Just down the road in Richmond, Cole and I attended the Central Virginia Celtic Festival and Highland Games. Thanks to a radio ad while traveling during fall break, we heard about this interesting event, looked it up and decided to go. We weren't disappointed. The all-day festival featured all things Celtic. This includes sheep dog herding, Highland Games, axes, swords, dancing, harps, clans, cars and, of course, bagpipes. We hit up all the attractions. . . .
October 19, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Cole's grandma, Zona, enjoys the hard apple cider at Blue Mountain Brewery.
During Cole's fall break, we welcomed visitors form Nebraska — Cole's grandparents, Dan and Zona. Day one of touring took us along the Blue Ridge Mountains to the Blue Mountain Brewery, quite a fitting name. The place buzzed with activity on the rainy day, but we eventually got a seat and ordered a flight of tiny beers to try. Personally, I sipped one, wrinkled up my face and then gulped water to get rid of the taste. I just can't stand the golden liquid. Cole sipped with indifference. Luckily, Zona enjoyed the hard apple cider and Dan braved the variety of beers. . . .
October 11, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Cole and I enjoy touring James Monroe's local home — Highland.
Last weekend, Cole and I drove down the curvy roads (who am I kidding, all the roads are curvy around here). Last weekend, Cole and I drove down the road to James Monroe's former estate, Highland. Last fall on first arrival we stopped by Thomas Jefferson's place, so it was about time we made it over to his friend and neighbor's home. . . .
October 8, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Welcome to another edition of Trivia Tuesday. Last week, Cole pulled out the win for fantasy football, which shouldn't have been a surprise because he was probably the only person who took it who had played before. Congrats, Cole!
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