December 5, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Yum! Oatmeal brown sugar cookies taste so good.
Tonight was all about the Cs — charades, Christmas carols and cookies. SO MANY cookies. Overblessified by the number of cookies really. I guess that is expected when your church community group holds a holiday cookie exchange. If you have never participated in one, I recommended them, especially if you love cookies. Everyone brings a different batch and you get to take home a sampling of the goodies. . . .
December 3, 2013
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Pie. Pie. Pie. Personally, I am not a huge pie fan. In fact, I don't really like pie at all, but I happen to know a lot of people that do. So raise a fork and dig into some pie trivia.
Last Tuesday Trivia, I quizzed on NASCAR. Only three responded, but it was a pretty good week for answering. Cole and my dad both got seven right, tying for first. Perhaps pie will get people more excited this week. And while you are mouth watering over those three pies above, I have to mention that I crafted those just this evening. If you need pie art, I seem to be able to create tasty treats. Also keep this in mind if I ever say I am making you pie. It will probably contain pixels, not cherries. . . .