March 27, 2014
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Creative cheering section.
Each fan roots for their team in their own way: a lucky shirt, free throw ritual, ceremonial meal, crossed fingers and toes. Me, I cheer at the screen and most recently, draw. By combining my new love of calligraphy and my irrational love of the Jayhawks, I created these two basketball pieces. Thankfully, both of these loves continue regardless of, oh you know, don't make me say it. Let's move on. . . .
March 26, 2014
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Days with calligraphy are pretty happy.
Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. I'm trying to get those words, or their likeness, to flow from my fingers. Back before Christmas I decided I would like to try my hand at calligraphy and put a kit on my wish list. I unwrapped a book, ink and paper, and brought them back to Virginia. I had a slow go, but finally, lots of letters line my once blank sheets. . . .
March 25, 2014
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Just practicing with my pen set.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know I am dabbling in calligraphy. I asked for a set for Christmas and have invested my evenings in it the past few weeks. I'll start posting my work on my blog to document this learning process. The more I dive into the art, the more I realize there is to learn. So many different pens and styles and, whoa, the list goes on and on. I look forward to getting better. . . .
March 17, 2014
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

The Nature Conservancy's trail loops from right to left, stretching all the way to the mountain tops.
Let's go back two days. The sun shone through a leaf-less forest. I rolled up my wind pants because I had toasty legs, and cinched my jacket around my hips because the temperatures hit the 60s. Today ... snow. This place is covered in snow. Cole got a snow day. What is happening!?! . . .
March 16, 2014
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Wiggs gets ready to score some more points.
Even though I am an adult without a spring break, I am luckily married to a student. So spring break here we come! We picked an unusual location: Morgantown, W.Va. Why? Kansas basketball.
West Virginia might be in the Big 12, but they are way over here, only 4.5 hours from us. We bought tickets early and drove the windy roads to the game. The drive proved most sketchy. We traveled backroads with giant pot holes that tried to eat Hondie and followed by towns with chain-link, welcome signs. Let's just say, we didn't feel that welcome. . . .