February 27, 2015

Photo Friday: Llama Drama

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Photo Friday logo


Dramatic, me? Never.

Today two llamas ran loose in Sun City, Arizona, and it hilariously hit national news. If the reports would have instead said Glade, Kansas, I would not have been surprised in the least. My parents' llamas, especially Larry, get out all the time. We've never lassoed or tackled them to return them home. Push a goat in the car? Yes, but that's a whole other story. You just never know what will be running around at the Longaway farm. . . .

February 19, 2015

Doodle-filled Heart Card for a Birthday Mom

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


A heart full of doodles for my Mom on her birthday!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yep, it's my Mom's big day. She's off driving around the Kansas countryside working, but when she gets home, she should find a doodled-filled heart card from her daughter. The other part of her present quickly arrived via Amazon yesterday: a JT CD. Yep, that's my Mom. :P . . .

February 17, 2015

Battle of Yorktown Tour on Valentine's Day

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


For size comparison, Cole can fit his head into the cannon.

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day! We definitely enjoyed ours, which included a Battle of Yorktown tour. Other activities from our day included presents, an audio book and Steak 'n Shake.

Here's the doodle I made for Cole. I've been practicing wreaths, little people and calligraphy — this one combined them all. The rest of these images take you on our Battle of Yorktown journey. . . .

February 11, 2015

Chipotle Envelope Liner

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


Use a Chipotle bag as an envelope liner.

I just have a little envelope to share today. It's a simple blank card from Michael's that I dressed up with an envelope liner, washi tamp, calligraphy and a Johnny Cash stamp. Mostly, I am excited about this Chipotle envelope liner. Yes, Chipotle!?! I mean, that tasty place could only enhance snail mail. . . .

February 3, 2015

Free February Phone and Desktop Backgrounds

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


Brighten up your desktop with this February 2015 calendar.

With all this dreary weather, I'm loving my new desktop background. Bright flowers remind me that winter won't last forever. If share my sentiments, you can enjoy them with me for free. Find links at the bottom to download the phone and/or desktop wallpaper for all your devices. . . .
