March 18, 2015

Spring Break 2015: Cruisin' to the Bahamas

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


From the Nassau dock, the Carnival Sensation looks huge.

Welcome to the 2015 Malmberg Spring Break. I have so many pictures that I have to divide the trip into three blogs: Cruisin', Disney World and Charleston. I'm starting my posts from the beginning, so pack your bags and board the Carnival Sensation with us. . . .

March 16, 2015

Spring Break Before the Photos

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


Hello, blog. It's been a while — nine days actually. You knew I'd return, and return with lots of goodies to share because we spent four days at sea, two days at Disney World, two days in Charleston and one full day of driving. We packed a lot into our last, real spring break. But with rolling into Charlottesville late on Sunday and playing catchup at work, I never got around to uploading my photos today. That's a task and a blog for tomorrow. . . .

March 7, 2015

Missing Snail Mail During Spring Break

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


Thanks to my doodle book, I added an owl to a letter to my Grandma.

We're about to finish out this last year of school with sunny spring break trip. While I am looking forward to relaxation and warmth, I will miss one little piece of my daily routine: snail mail.

Letters come and go from this little corner of Virginia almost daily. And before I disappear from my blog for a while, I thought I would share some of my latest mail creations. I've really been enjoying my Craft-a-Doodle book. It has tons of great ideas that I can implement while addressing envelopes. It's the same book I mentioned in my blog about the doodle-filled heart I made for my Mom's birthday. . . .

March 2, 2015

Free Rock Chalk Watercolor Backgrounds

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


Keep reading to download this Kansas watercolor.

Welcome to March! For me, the word March is followed by madness. To celebrate this great month of basketball, I decided to try my hand at watercolor and create a simple Kansas shape.

I got this idea from The Postman's Knock's Facebook post. I didn't branch out too far from the tutorial. I stuck with Kansas, but tried using red and blue for KU. After five attempts, I painted a blue to red fade. I've never used watercolor before, unless kindergarten counts, so I had a little trial and error. Too much paint the first time; too many strokes the next. But, eventually, I made a clean sweep and created a pretty Rock Chalk watercolor. . . .
