November 13, 2014

Overblessified Thursday: Supporting Janice and TFC

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

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Janice's October Newsletter

Janice let me write in her October newsletter.

Last week, Janice's October newsletter arrived in our mail box, and I couldn't help but smile at the front-page photos: us and one of middle-school Brenna. The fun photos appeared with my short article about Janice and her awesomeness.

I wanted to help Janice, and I knew a little newsletter content could never hurt. She took my offer, and I had the privilege of writing nice words for the printed page.

Even though I am always game to write, writing about Janice and her support is easy. :) My blog has many examples, such as here, here and here. But, without further ado, here is the article from Janice's newsletter.

Even though I currently live more than 1,000 miles from Phillipsburg, Kansas, I still get to hang out with Janice every now and then. It’s not a Tuesday after-school bible study around the dining room table. It’s not a Saturday trip to the Kearney mall. It’s not a ride to the bowling alley after Monday-night TFC.

Instead, it’s a chat via Facebook messenger. It’s a lunch date at the Chubby Pickle. It’s a note jotted at the bottom of a newsletter just like this one. For as long as my memory serves me, Janice has shared her life and Jesus with me. And I am thankful for that. Because of her willingness to spread the gospel and teach teens, my future and the futures of people I know have changed.

All of the above reminds me of 1 Thessalonians 2:8: “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.”

When I started TFC in middle school, I had no idea that Janice and other staff members would be equipping me to live out the Great Commission. Now years later, I get to meet up with Janice and tell her about my walk with the Lord and people I mentor. Most recently, this has included a friend I Skype with once a week, which we call diskypelship. :)

I’m seven-plus years out of high school (wow!), but that doesn’t mean my connection with TFC has ended. I have been able to give back through my design work and financially. It’s a blessing to be able to send a support check to Janice and TFC each month. Did sixth-grade Brenna know that she would be supporting TFC in these ways? No. Is she overjoyed to be able to? Yes.

Every time I talk with Janice and hear the great things TFC is up to, I am excited for these teens and I am glad I get to be a part of it. I know that any contribution I make only furthers the Gospel. I could be a part of their first bible, their first edge or their first Coke date that could change their life forever.

Along with my article, you can see those photos I mentioned. Janice did some digging to find this middle school photo. How fun!

Janice's October Newsletter

Just little me getting a ride. Thanks, Maloree!

Janice's October Newsletter

Janice and I enjoy a soda date at the Chicken Inn with some other wonderful TFC ladies.

I am so glad I get to support such a great organization. If you ever want to support the staff and their mission, I know they would appreciate and love your support. You can find out more about their work and donate here.

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