August 12, 2011

Photo Friday: Kitty

Posted by Brenna Malmberg


Meet Kitty! She is the new addition to my house at home. A tiny little edition at that. My parents say she is a Jack Russel Terrier mix, and they got her from a friend. She is probably about five weeks old in this picture.

In this image, you can't tell that the grass is just about as tall as she is. When Cole and I visited her over the weekend, we came home to find her in the bath tub. She's so little she can't escape.

Like I said, Kitty is about five weeks old. We actually have more puppies at our house, and they are a little more than a week old and their eyes are just starting to open. But they are Great Pyrenees mix, so they are huge. When I picked one up, I realized how big and fat they were in comparison to Kitty, and definitely not as cute.

I hope she grows a little, just so she can hold her own at the farm, but if not, she will still be cute.

Photo by Brenna Malmberg.

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