September 20, 2013

Photo Friday: University of Virginia Grounds

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

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UVA Rotunda

Cole reads the info hanging around the tour waiting room.

Last Saturday, we finally made it over to the main University of Virginia grounds to see the Rotunda. On our campus tour, we got a UVA history lesson from a second year student. Our tour group was pretty little, just six, and half of them were students looking to try out for the guide position. Who knew it was such a sought after role.

We started our tour outside on the Lawn learning about the different pavilions and student quarters. Back in the days of Jefferson, he envisioned the university all working and living together. So, this space as created to make that happen. It only mildly happened at first, and with much difficulty. This included a professor getting shot, but then the upstanding students started an honor code that is still a vital, vibrant part of campus.

After that, got to go into the top of the Rotunda. Sadly, they were setting up an event, which hindered us from walking around to see the pretty space and books. Perhaps we will have to make it again before they close the place down for repairs.

And, in case you won't make it in time to see it either, enjoy these photos below and my University of Virginia Grounds album.

UVA Rotunda

Someone is ready for a tour.

UVA Rotunda

I did less reading and extra picture taking instead.

UVA Rotunda

Thomas Jefferson.

UVA Lawn

Time to tour the Lawn.

UVA Lawn

It's a pretty place with all the white columns are bricks.

UVA Lawn

Little plaque recognizing one of the major secret societies.

UVA Lawn

Here's those students I mentioned who were on our tour. Look at them jotting down notes. Hope tryouts went well.

UVA Rotunda

There it is: the Rotunda.

UVA Rotunda

Hole in the ceiling like the Pantheon in Rome, but this one is covered in glass.

UVA Rotunda

Keeping the staircase warm I guess.

UVA Rotunda

Getting ready for a party, which we weren't invited to, so I guess no looking around.

UVA Rotunda

Us, sans glasses.

UVA Rotunda

Cole, what did you find there.

UVA Rotunda

Well, it's this.

UVA Rotunda

This place is a quite little spot by the Rotunda, which I am guessing will get a few benches and such once the grass grows back form construction destruction.

UVA Rotunda


UVA Rotunda

Happy Saturday!

Don't miss the additional photos in my University of Virginia Grounds album.

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