December 2, 2014

Study Psalms with a Calligraphy Bookmark

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Psalms bookmark

Yesterday I gave away some tech wallpaper; today I have a Psalms calligraphy bookmark. Once again, you can download this bookmark for free, and I hope you find it a useful tool. Keep reading to find out how.

Psalms bookmark

Psalms bookmark

Psalms bookmark

I created this bookmark as a way to keep my Psalms reading plan on schedule. Starting a few weeks ago, I dedicated my 3 p.m. work break to reading the bible and praying. I decided to read a Psalm each time before beginning to clear my mind of work, because let's be honest, work isn't as uplifting as God's word. Unfortunately, my memory from day to day lapsed. I couldn't remember which Psalm I read just the day before. Sad, but instead of just giving up or feeling dumb, I turned to my calligraphy hobby to make a bookmark.

To start, I measured my bible to cut a bookmark just slightly taller than my bible. Next, I counted and drew a grid for all the 150 verses. After that, I scripted Psalms across the top and then started the repetitive task of drawing little check boxes. As you can see, all the little boxes and numbers aren't perfect. Sure, I could have printed that section, but I was looking for a more handmade feel.

Once my purple ink dried, I erased all my drafted pencil lines — there were so many! Then, I glued the sheet to a piece of purple card stock. With the little project complete, I can now track which Psalm chapters I read. I have been marking them with a pencil so I can erase them when I make it all the way to 150. (Besides busting out an eraser, I might also throw a little party at that point.)

This simple bookmark has already done a lot of good in my life, and I wanted to share that. So, you can download it yourself. Once you download it, you will have to complete the craft by printing it on card stock. You can also add on another color to the back like I did. And lucky for you, I figured not everyone loved purple as much as I did, so I have a few other options: blue and green.

You can pick your color and download them below by right clicking on the image and saving it to your computer.

If you download the bookmark and use it, please let me know what you think. I'd love to hear from someone trying the same little plan.

Psalms bookmark

Psalms bookmark

December 2, 2014

Brenna's Mom

I don't have color printer:( I would love a purple one!

December 2, 2014


I might know the creator. She might be able to hook you up at Christmas time or something. :)

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