March 19, 2017

Tandemania in the City

Posted by Brenna Malmberg



After many years (were not even really sure how many), Hazy, Allie and I were reunited. The three of us, plus Cole, made Saturday into a biking adventure. We rented bikes and set out sights on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

At the rental place, Hazy thought a tandem bike looked like the best option. Obviously. No takers at first, but then I gave into the fun and signed my life away to a tandem bike with Hazy at the helm. Had either of us done this before? No. But, come on, we have done all kinds of other crazy things together. We could totally master a tandem bike. And we did. And to top it all off, it had tandemania emblazoned on it, which is apparently a real thing.


Tandem bike across the Golden Gate Bridge? Yes!


We made it to Fort Mason. A long way to go.


Lots of green space between us and the bridge still.


Lots of other people are out enjoying the day, too.


Allie looking all professional.


After an uphill climb, we take a pit stop to take in the view and breathe. Mostly breathe.


Catch us if you can!


Another stop to check out the view from the bridge.


See anything cool?


Hazy, my fearless leader.


It's tricky to take photos of the people ridging behind you.


Gots to get those pics of the city.


We made it all the way across, and the hiked up the hill to a lookout point to take in that bridge we just hiked across.

Thank you both so much for hanging out with us in the city. We need to do this again. Soon.

March 19, 2017

Mama Kuhl

I smiled the whole time I read this. Thanks so much. Cole is a good sport.

March 20, 2017

Brenna's Mom

Looks like a good day with wonderful friends.

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