May 6, 2014

Trivia Tuesday: San Francisco Here We Come

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Congrats to Cole on knowingJayhawk trivia. I mean, he is married to one, so that helps.

This week, let's take a look at San Francisco, our home in a week. We offifically move into our new place on May 13. Woot! Not only is it my first time to live in California, but it's my first time to even cross that state line. So if you have been to Cali before, you already have an upper hand on me.

Check back often and follow our progress on Twitter as we cross the country in three-plus days. I'll also post the journey on my blog, photos included, once we are established in California.

1. What's the steepest street in San Francisco?
2. The animal on the Calirfornia flag is modeled after one that was held at Golden Gate Park. What the animal?
3. San Francisco had the only moving U.S. National Historic Landmark. What is it?
4. The California Gold Rush didn't technically start in this year, but it became a legacy that includes the city's football team. What's that year?
5. By population, where does San Francisco rank in terms of largest population in California?
6. What place is also known as "The Rock?"
7. Who's the city named after?
8. In 1932, the city recorded its lowest temperature. What was it?
9. What's the name of the Giants' ballpark?
10. What kind of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge?

How did you do? Comment below with your score. Thanks.

May 6, 2014


7/10. Not too bad, but I will have a lot to learn!

May 7, 2014


8/10! Helps having family out there

May 7, 2014


7/10 -- Matched my boy!

May 9, 2014


7 of 10 who looks at street signs when yor driving around

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