March 3, 2013

Wicka Wicka: DJing on

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Back in July, Cole opened me up to the world of Turntable brings people from around the world together to enjoy and experience music online. Each Turntable room has its own genre or rules for musical play. In this digital music age, even I am allowed to jump on stage and spin some tracks. It's free, it's easy and I am sure you will like it.

This is the main screen for DJing. On the sides you have a queue/room information bar and on the right you will see the chat window.

Back when I first got on, I would DJ with Cole and Jay, but they both got busy with law school and engineering work (lames). Now, I have a new set of homies to kick it with every day while I work. My favorite (and really only) hangout is Hater Free R&B and HipHop (HF).

I'm that first DJ! Woot!

To understand why I love HF, you need to understand how Turntable works. When you get on stage, the people in the room can thumbs up or thumbs down your song. A thumbs up adds points to you account, and thumbs down subtracts points and can get you kicked off stage. Haters gonna hate. But in HF, you can breath easy — haters aren't allowed. If you thumbs down in this room, the moderators give you the boot. So, you get to jam and rack up points.

I have slowly made my way up the avatar ranks. I am currently a chubby astronaut with goggles.

I am looking good up on stage bopping with all my points.

Here is a full body shot, plus a better look at my KU computer stickers. (Rock Chalk!)

Right now, I have 4,257 points. That's not very many compared to some of the DJs in HF. They are up in the tens and hundreds of thousands. Someday...someday...

For me, the next goal is 10,000 points. At that stage, I can be a purple monkey! Yes, purple! I am stoked and almost halfway there.

Here is the purple monkey I will be someday. So excited!

If you stop by Turntable, look me up: brennamedia (HF). If I am on, you'll probably find me in HF. Happy DJing.

P.S. I would love to work for them, sadly, I have to physically be in New York.

March 3, 2013


Haters gonna hate :)

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