November 2, 2011

Worldly Wednesday: 7 Billion People on One Planet

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

On Monday, according to the U.N., the seventh billion person was born. That is big news for earth, a planet that only had one billion people two centuries ago. The population boomed in Asian countries as you would guess, but now sub-Saharan African countries are now the region with the largest growth.

This video from NPR puts the staggering number into perspective a little.

Is there a limit to our growth? The U.N. says yes, estimating the world will reach 10.1 billion people around 2100 and then begin to decline.

In the meantime, we will continue to grow in population, using up resources and looking for ways to deal with environmental issues.

But where do you fit in. Well, you can check out this interactive feature on BBC to see where you were born in the mix of the seven billion people on earth. When I was born, I was the 5,200,692,466th person. Phew, that is a lot of people. Find out where you fit in and leave a comment on when you were born.

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