March 7, 2012

Worldly Wednesday: Lord's Resistance Army Goes Viral

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Videos and images go viral on the Internet every day. Most generate laughs and talk for a few days. Today's video making Joseph Kony famous whirled about the Internet via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other such sharing sites, generating buzz for Invisible Children's initiative to end the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda.

Most people pasted the message and video on, noting how sad the situation is and how we need to do something. Like the tweet above, most people were startled to hear about the children being abducted, the women being raped and their leader Kony pushing on regardless of opposition. Kony is leading children to these heinous acts.

The LRA stems back to the Holy Spirit movement lead by Alice Lakwena. After her imprisonment, Kony, self-proclaim spokesman of God, started leading the group with Sudanese assistance. Many not-so-great things have happen across the world, especially in this area of Africa. This group and the chaos they cause is no different.

Sadly, not too many people think about these acts of shredding human rights happen every day somewhere, even if we don't see them first hand. The video from Invisible Children tells the story of a boy faced with the daily struggles the Lord's Resistance Army places on communities. While a simplified story, it at least pulls at people's heart strings.

That being said, I hope they dig farther. Think, this terror has been happening longer than I have been alive. Many people, with power, know about the cause and have been trying to end the destruction. In 2010, Obama and the rest of our government sent 100 troops over to the surrounding countries to survey and help counties. We view the LRA as a terrorist organization and want nothing to do with their continuation. Even since 2008, the U.S. has been involved, giving $40 million since that time to help stop the LRA.

In the last 30 days, violence has escalated, and the 200 fighters continue to pillage villages. Even after Kony is stopped, which Invisible Children aim to make it happen this year, the wreckage left behind will take years and years to clear up.

I encourage you to look into a little more or at least think about how unreal this scene seems to us. But as unreal as it seems, children, moms, dads, grandparents, and friends are running and hiding just to stay alive. Just. To. Stay. Alive.

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