February 15, 2012

Worldly Wednesday: The Perfect Beach

Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Fine grit slips between the gaps in my toes. I can catch the occasional glimpse of sand as the sun glimmers on the small crests of each wave. So much water, as far as I can see, laps again the gradual shoreline of Rimini, Italy.

Less than three years ago on my 21st birthday, the perfect beach graced my feet.

The next day, while it wasn't my birthday, gave way to the same beach by daylight. Lucky me, I traveled to the beach just before the masses invaded the coasts of Italy, taking up plots of beech for their sunbathing, vacation needs.

Waves splashed, the wind skimmed along the sand and the occasional sibling rivalry ended in a yelp from down the beach. I sat as near to the nature landscape as I could, opting out of a beach chair. I saturate my body with the heat radiating from the sand. I live in Kansas; I don't want to miss a minute of this tropical paradise.

I have been to other beaches: white sand and wild waves in South Africa; rocky shores of Cinque Terre, Italy; plant infested Gulf Coast water; trash splattered Miami sand; and still inlets in Costa Rica. Don't get me wrong, I loved every beach. Kansas is more than 1,400 miles from the nearest ocean, which isn't ideal for a tropical weather yearner.

Rimini captured my view of the perfect beach: the waves, the sun, the sand. Not too much or too little of any one.

The perfect beach is different for everyone, and National Geographic Traveler and I want to know yours. For a chance to be published in their magazine, email your story to Travel_Talk@ngs.org. But, for even faster fame without any chance of rejection, post your favorite beach and story below in the comment section.

February 15, 2012


I would have to say Cozumel Mexico! On the Caribbean side the water is the bluest blue and the perfect temp!

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