July 15, 2018
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

Oh hey. Remember me? It's been a while since I lasted posted, and there's a story there. But, in short, I was busy, and now I am less busy.* Hooray! Luckily, just because I wasn't posting here or on Instagram doesn't mean we weren't out living life.
I'm going to try to post the photos I have from the past year, but starting with a recent and rather short hike we went on about a month about in Castle Rock State Park. We had tried to go on this hike before, but it was pouring rain. On this day, we only encountered a little fog, which created some nice light and spooky woods. . . .
November 20, 2017
Posted by Brenna Malmberg
If you're anything like me, you've probably already been doing a little holiday shopping or at least looking so you're prepared for Black Friday deals. This year, I want to support some of my fellow Punkpost handwriting artists by shopping from and promoting the creative goods this creative community makes.
Here's five rad makers and their holiday creations that are up for grabs. Oh, and a plug for Punkpost, because duh.
. . .
July 16, 2017
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

I sure know a lot about a vacation I didn't go on. That vacation would be the one my parents, brother and his girlfriend went on as part of my mom's national bowling even in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They drove from Kansas to Louisiana, making stops in Texas and Mississippi along the way. All the while, my dad was sending postcards from all the attractions they hit up. In total, I got 11 postcards in the mail! . . .
June 22, 2017
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

He's way too excited about this hike.
This hike recap is going to be short and sweet, unlike the actual hike experience. Why? Because I really don't have much for photos because all we did was hike in the trees for hours and I was exhausted. We're still not sure how long we traversed the Sunset Trail at Big Basin Redwood State Park, but we are thinking it was more than 10 miles. And I did not sign up for that, nor was I prepared for that. . . .
May 16, 2017
Posted by Brenna Malmberg

The baby of the family, aka Maggie, went out with an accomplished-filled bang on May 7. She graduated from high school 10 years after Cole and I did that exact same thing. Whoa, has it really been that long. Anyways, let's no dwell on how old we are getting and instead celebrate Maggie and wish her all the best as she venture off to do noble things at that other school in Kansas (K-State ...). . . .